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Host at my hotel, that sort of thing. No chance of being busted by the wife or customers or friends when I'm on the road. I'm pretty new to sucking cock, having discovered my liking for this calling late in life at mid age, and just last year finally admitted to myself my cravings to suck dick.I have this one regular married feeder that I had been blowing for a year or a little longer, and I told him that I wanted to get a few more guys involved. I told him of my desire to be on my knees, with several cocks in my face. Our typical routine is us meeting at my hotel, us perving pics and videos of our hot wives on the laptop, me eventually sucking him off. This time I wanted more guys and we both started hunting and we eneded up with three more similiar guys; married or with GF, mid aged, nice cocks, not getting BJs at home..The date was set up, the time of 9:30pm was set. I had a long day at the corporate office, a long dinner meeting and needed to relax.. I had a couple of drinks,. I became more and more curious about the way Eric and Judy acquiesced to Ben’s behavior, and I finally got up the nerve to ask Eric about it. He was working alone on some projects in his garage one Saturday morning, and I stopped by to see him. Eric offered me a cold soda.After the usual pleasantries, I cleared my throat and somewhat cautiously said, “Eric, I’ve had something on my mind for the last couple of weeks, and I’d like to ask you about it. It’s kind of personal, so just tell me if you don’t want to discuss it.”Eric laughed and said, “Come on, Ed, I think we know one another pretty well by now. Go ahead and ask your question.”I paused and then continued, “Well, over the past several weeks, I couldn’t help but notice how Ben is flirting with Judy and making such lewd comments to her. And then, whenever you try to speak up, Ben always has a cutting remark to shut you up. What’s going on with you guys, Eric? Why do you put up with that shit from him?”Eric hung his head slightly.
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